A book worm is a person who reads many books. I am a book worm.
But I live with a book dragon.
A book dragon is like a book worm, only far more powerful and majestic. They not only read many books, but also collect them in a great treasure hoard — both read and yet-to-be-read — filling their cozy abode. They create artful stacks of books on end-tables, more functional stacks on nightstands, and their actual bookshelves are marvels of biblio-engineering, with horizontal books tucked neatly atop the vertical ones. They leave no bookless nooks, no tomeless tables, and no room bereft of words.
The den of my book dragon is my happy place, and I’m so grateful she lets me live with her:
Book Lovers
Just us. (And books, of course.) (A library, I promise.) (A big one!)
I hope my poem this week finds you curled up and cozy, upon your mighty hoard of books,
~ A
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I'm so delighted to understand that I, too, am a fire-breathing book dragon (who lives with a bookworm). Petra, we're twins! 😁
I look around and all I see are piles of books, and realise I am a book dragon hahahaha. Love the poem. Wonderful and sweet.